Government of Timor-Leste


Direccao Nacional Emprego Exterior

Orariu Programa kursu Lian Korea – Klasse Off-line/Schedule for the Korean Studies and Language Off-line Classes


Ami husi Programa kursu lian Korea KSLP Timor-Leste hakarak informa ba alin estudante sira katak KSLP hahu loke fila fali klasse mak hanesan tuir mai ne’e:

1. Semester Break : 28 Juñu – 3 Jullu, 2021 (ba semana ida)

2. Off-line Klase : 5 Jullu, 2021 (Segunda)

3. Prioridade : Estudante tenke kompleta ona vasina primeiru doze (1st) Covid–19.

i. Ami nudar instrutór sei halo monitorizasaun ba estudante hotu-hotu hodi rekoila kartaun vasinasaun.

ii. Estudante ne’ebe la hetan vasinasaun sei la autoriza atu tuir aula.

iii. Klase, sei kumpri regulamentu covid-19 protocolo saude nian.



Schedule for the Korean Studies and Language Off-line Classes

We, Korean Studies and Language Program Timor-Leste (KSLP) would like to open an off-line class from this July and the schedule below and have approval from you.

1. Semester Break: 28 June – 3 July 2021 ( for a week)

2. Off-line Class: 5 July 2021 (Monday)

3. Object: Students who completed 1st Vaccination Covid–9.

i. We (instructor) monitoring the vaccination status of all the students and collect data on vaccination cards.

ii. A students who haven’t vaccinated will not be allowed to attend class.

iii. The class will be conducted to comply with “the regulation of quarantine”.

