Government of Timor-Leste


Direccao Nacional Emprego Exterior

About DNEE

National Directorate of Foreign Employment 1.The National Directorate of Foreign Employment, abbreviated as DNEE, is part of the Government of Timor-Leste’s Secretary of State for Training and Employment, known as SEFOPE. The DNEE is responsible for promoting and managing programs for placing Timorese workers in labour markets abroad. At this time, DNEE manages three labour mobility programs, two for Australia and one for South Korea. 2. DNEE is responsible for: a) Establish and maintain a line of coordination with foreign employers and other partners, national or international, with a view to promoting and creating employment opportunities for Timorese abroad; b) Propose and develop policies for hiring Timorese abroad; c) Coordinate with the Office of the Secretary of State, with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation and with the labour attaches to the Timorese diplomatic missions abroad, the implementation of the Timorese labour placement programs abroad; d) Develop national programs to promote the employment of Timorese labour abroad; e) Develop and implement the employment policy abroad; f) Coordinate with the National Directorate of Internal Employment and with the labour Market Information..


Important Information

Avizu – Announcement of test date of East Timor(Fishery) Revised 2024


Avizu – Announcement of test date of East Timor(Fishery)


Resources and Factsheets

SEFOPE Factsheet 4 – PROSESU ATU REKLAMA OSAN PENSAUN (Traballador ne’ebé mak fila ona mai Timor)
  • 09 Dec 2020

1. Definisaun: Bazeia-ba Lei nasaun Australia nian, empregadór Australia (ne’ebé mak aprovadu) sira tenke selu osan hanesan fundu ba pensaun nian, ho montante sira ne’ebé mak igual ba 9.5% husi salariu ne’ebé mak traballadór sira simu kada semana. Osan pensaun ida 9.5% ne’e adisionál ba pagamentu ne’ebé mak empregadór sira selu ba traballador sira kada semana. 2. Montante osan pensaun


SEFOPE Factsheet 1- Seasonal Worker Program General Information


SEFOPE Factsheet 1 – Informasaun Jerál Kona-ba Programa Traballador Sazonal